Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cloudy nights...

The sky has been cloudy for a few months already... Luckily while waiting for the the sky to clear, I am preparing for my widefield APO set up.
A Borg 45EDii!
This is perhaps the smallest APO and it is freaking expensive! Almost 2k for that tiny fellow. Of course I added in reducers, rings and adapters for CCD and dslr bla bla.
Oh! I traded my CN212 with Remus for his SBIG St8300M! Really eager to embark on the CCD journey. Sam was asking if i am selling my hypermod 450D haha....
That DSLR is a masterpiece by my friend Kelvin, and he invested alot of efforts into making that for me. Basically its a non for sale item! haha.
I love my DSLR and I love my Sbig. lol

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mersing Sept 2012

It was rather a relaxing trip for me Kelvin and Royce.
Rain poured as soon as we reached, but we were rewarded with the best sunset I have ever seen.

Here's some nice data I got for the trip.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Attempt at Jupiter in Mersing

Other than doing astro widefield in the recent Mersing Trip,
I did some planetary imaging as well. This time the results was a little better. If not for the "bubble effect" surrounding, I think it will be prettier. :P

Here it is, Jupiter on CN212, G11

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mersing August 2012

This trip we were greeted with clear skies again. Although not the full 3 night but overall we still had plenty of fun and captured some nice photons! lol
Here is my fruits of the previous trip.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ok heres a bigger version of Saturn and Jupiter during the last trip in Mersing.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Capturing Saturn coming Mersing

This coming Mersing Trip, I am going to try capturing saturn for the 1st time. Actually this was the 2nd time i am attempting to capture the Ring giant. I wasn't using a tracking mount then, and all i did was let it drift across my alt azi mount which is kind of tedious as i have to re center over and over again.
You can call that my first astrophotography attempt lol well we all do stupid things when we start out in something new but once you get the hang of it it is going to get easy.

This was what i got the other time, about 1 1/2 years back doing silly things :P
Tiny little fellow haha. Going to improve and look out for my blog after my return from Mersing. I will post my new saturn pics. :P

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mersing on 20th July 2012

In a couple of weeks, we will be heading up to Mersing! Again! lol
Everytime we look forward to going there mainly because we can relax ourselves there, enjoy the dark skies and not forgetting the food sessions and juicy durians that awaits us! :)
We'll usually bring a chill box with beers and stuff to enable us "see more stars" hahaha.
This time round I will not be imaging as well mainly I hadn't got a laptop because of the fact that i spent all my money on the Losmandy G11 Gemini 2.
We shall see how useful this new GEM when we are there.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New set up coming in

Took the plunge and ordered a Losmandy G11 Gemini 2 from Optcorp.
I have bought numerous stuff from OPT and very satisfied with the service they provides.
Sadly things in Singapore are always marked up a few times so after shipping, it is still more economy to get it myself. Only thing is, there are more coordinating stuff to do thats all.

Losmandy G11 Gemini 2 is a German Equatorial mount that has a GOTO feature.
It is a time tested brand and my previous mount, GM8 with Digital drive was easy to use, tank quality with superb craftsmanship.

Together, I order a Imaging source DMK21 Mono ccd that I will be using for planetary. My main focus of objects will the Jupiter and Saturn who are the biggest 2 planets in our Solar system now.

It will reach me in a couple of weeks and I'm eagerly waiting for its arrival.

Losmandy G11

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The interest in astronomy

The universe is a big mystery for most of us. Through physics humans found out more about the universe. The installation of the space telescopes allow us to find out more about what is surrounding us and the more we find out, the smaller we felt.
Everything we are experiencing now are all part of a creation. By who we don't really know. Scientist called this miracle the Big Bang. Where universe is created from nothing. You, me are all miracles. And yet, our lifespan is a mere 100 years if you live healthy for the most of your life. We all will return to nothing as we age and the cycle for life continues even if we are gone from this world, this dimension.
Astronomy has been really exciting for me. I love to look at pictures showing planets that are few hundred times bigger than earth, planets that consist of gas rather than solid ground we are feeling now on earth. Stars that explodes and leave a remnant of gas clouds behind for millions of years. Looking up in the starry sky is the fastest way of travelling back in time. Humans are so short lived and our history makes us a young race, a young human race.
My next year's plan is to capture images of our solar system, mostly Jupiter and Saturn. And have a proper website to document my visits, images that I took through the years...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CN212 for Planetary Astrophotography

This will be coming in soon

Takahashi CN212

Got this from a good friend, Remus and will be focusing mainly on planetary next year when I have my gears prep.
Now what I need is to save enough for a G11 Gemini 2. Then an Imaging Source CCD cam and Im good to go lol

Monday, May 21, 2012

Its been so long!!!

Its been a while since I've taken any images of the cosmos. Due to some unforeseen issues i had to sell away my gears.
I am looking to buy a telescope for planetary soon> keep a look out for jupiter! lol