Thursday, June 7, 2012

New set up coming in

Took the plunge and ordered a Losmandy G11 Gemini 2 from Optcorp.
I have bought numerous stuff from OPT and very satisfied with the service they provides.
Sadly things in Singapore are always marked up a few times so after shipping, it is still more economy to get it myself. Only thing is, there are more coordinating stuff to do thats all.

Losmandy G11 Gemini 2 is a German Equatorial mount that has a GOTO feature.
It is a time tested brand and my previous mount, GM8 with Digital drive was easy to use, tank quality with superb craftsmanship.

Together, I order a Imaging source DMK21 Mono ccd that I will be using for planetary. My main focus of objects will the Jupiter and Saturn who are the biggest 2 planets in our Solar system now.

It will reach me in a couple of weeks and I'm eagerly waiting for its arrival.

Losmandy G11

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